“Three years later and I LOVE IT!”
Just finished our third season. The tree stand for bear hunting has now become a tall enclosed wooden structure with windows and ladders. I have named it, “The Playboy Mansion.”
I have since shot a cross-bow – LOVE IT!
I have my own Eva Shockey bow and I am a great shot (at Targets).
I have my Florida Hunting; Bow License and I have my New Hampshire Bow License for deer and bear.
This would have been my first bear season, but Doug said I wasn’t ready yet.
I incessantly take photos with my gorgeous camera, I still apply lipstick non-stop, I love the bears to pieces and am not afraid at all. EXCEPT when we have to climb down in the dark.
We just left Illinois from the second whitetail hunt.
Life is good in camo land. Oh yes, I still wear pearls and high heels…but I also just bought two flannel shirts, and three other shirts at Cabelas! I actually LOVE that store too.
Ain’t love grand?!
— NOW, JUST BECAUSE THIS ENDS MY LITTLE SOAP OPERA OF HOW I WENT FROM HIGH HEELS & camo, you have to keep reading my forthcoming blogs.
I will talk about being a writer, being an Author, the creative process, how many coca-colas I drink while sitting and typing on the laptop, I will probably tell you what I am wearing, what the weather is, and random other stuff that you normally would not find interesting, but since I am so hysterical and enthusiastic, you will find yourself hooked to these little vignettes!